LUDZI (Column of Remembrance) is a design concept implemented in the As-Salam Mosque located at Rest Area KM. 14 Karang Tengah. The main concept of this mosque is the Column of Remembrance. This concept incorporates the recitation of various remembrance phrases such as Tahmid (praising Allah), Takbir (declaring Allah's greatness), and Tasbih (glorifying Allah) applied to all columns or pillars that support the mosque's structure. The remembrance phrases are applied to the conwood material covering the columns, which amount to 100 pillars.
Additionally, the Mihrab (prayer niche) also features elongated remembrance phrases applied diagonally to the conwood. The application of these remembrance phrases is also extended to the secondary skin made of Glass Fibre Reinforced Concrete. Furthermore, the concept of greenery is also applied to this mosque, with numerous openings surrounded by various plants to create a cool and refreshing atmosphere inside. The abundance of openings, along with a significant number, allows natural light to enter easily and create a pleasant ambiance.
Hezby Ryandi, Fahmy Desrizal,Sunjaya Askaria, Indira Pramudita
by Owner
Fernando Gomulya
Kunciran Jaya, Kota Tangerang
300 m2